Monday, April 30, 2018

Week 65 - April 30, 2018

I can now say, with almost complete certainty, that I have just been transferred for the last time on my mission. You never know, but seeing as there's only 3 more months on my mission, I'm pretty sure I'll be staying in my new area until the end. I am now- finally- serving in Porto Alegre, in a ward called Cristal (meaning crystal) with Sister Coon- a super fofinha sister from Queen Creek, Arizona who's been on the mission for 3 months. I haven't seen much of the area so far, but there's lots of hills 😐 and fancy-looking houses, which I'm not used to. 

I am super excited for this new transfer, I'm absoutely certain that miracles will happen. Why? Because I'm gonna work harder than I've ever worked. Something that President Cruz says a lot, especially as he too is coming to the end of his mission, is that the hardest and most important parts of the mission of our Savior were at the very end. Those were the moments that He needed the most strength and courage and diligence, and the moments that He literally gave His all. So, of course, as I'm trying each day to be just a little bit more like my Savior, this is my time to give it my all. 

I feel so blessed and privileged for the experiences that I've had so far on my mission. As much as I don't ever want it to end, I know that Lord has other callings and plans for me afterwards. So while I'm here, doing what I love most, I'll make the most of it. 

I hope you all are doing great, loving life, following the gospel, all that good stuff. Amo todos vocês!!
Sister Coleman

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